Here is some of the project material caught so far. Please let us know if you have any images, recordings or videos you would like to share, any extra information – or if you notice any obvious mistakes… thank-you!
VIDEO: Ring-net Herring Fishing – Fishing Boats Bringing in Catch
VIDEO: Ring-net Herring Fishing (1950s)
VIDEO: Herring Spawning
VIDEO: Argyll MacMillan – Catching Herring
AUDIO: "Angus Martin reading ‘The House of the North-east Coast of Arran’"
AUDIO: "Angus Martin reading ‘The Captains’"
AUDIO: "Angus Martin reading ‘Always Boats and Men’"
AUDIO: "Angus Martin reading ‘The Banks o’ Ballantrae’"
AUDIO: "Angus Martin reading ‘The Tiller’"
AUDIO: "Angus Martin reading ‘Herring-scales’"
STORY AND SONG: "Tommy Ralston: Catching Herring ‘So many different ways of searching oot the kill!’"
VIDEO: John MacConnachie – Ring Net Stories