Here is some of the project material caught so far. Please let us know if you have any images, recordings or videos you would like to share, any extra information – or if you notice any obvious mistakes… thank-you!
AUDIO: "Archie and Crystal Paterson – Ring Net Stories (1)"
IMAGE: "Willie Dickson"
IMAGE: "Willie Dickson"
AUDIO: "Willie Dickson – Ring Net Stories (2)"
AUDIO: "Willie Dickson – Ring Net Stories (1)"
IMAGE: "Crew Aboard Golden Effort, LH29, Fisherrow, Musselburgh, c.1930s"
IMAGE: "Pittenweem Men at Whitby"
IMAGE: "Redding the net onboard Dusky Maid"
VIDEO: Brailing Herring off Eriskay
VIDEO: The Sloans, Maisters of the Ring Airt
VIDEO: Tarbert Herring Days
VIDEO: Tarbert Academy Pupils Film ‘Casting the Net’