Here is some of the project material caught so far. Please let us know if you have any images, recordings or videos you would like to share, any extra information – or if you notice any obvious mistakes… thank-you!
IMAGE: "Crew of Fairy Lad, Campbeltown, c.1880"
IMAGE: "Female Net Factory Workers Making Ringnets, Campbeltown, pre 1914"
IMAGE: "Studio Portrait of Crew of Clementine, Campbeltown, 1904"
IMAGE: "Unidentified Ringnet Crew"
IMAGE: "Portrait of Two Fishermen, Tarbert, Loch Fyne, c.1900"
IMAGE: "Donald MacCallum and Duncan Martin Onboard Fame, CN118, Dalintober, c.1920"
IMAGE: "Three Ringnet Fishermen, Carradale, c.1920-1922"
IMAGE: "Portrait of Robert Conley, Carradale"
IMAGE: "Portrait of three fish curers, Campbeltown"
IMAGE: "Men Tanning Sails, Tarbert, Loch Fyne"
IMAGE: "Skipper Tom Ralston Onboard Golden Fleece, CN170, Whitby, 1952"
IMAGE: "Skipper Cecil Finn and Crew of Aquila, OB99"