Here is some of the project material caught so far. Please let us know if you have any images, recordings or videos you would like to share, any extra information – or if you notice any obvious mistakes… thank-you!
IMAGE: "Brailing herring"
IMAGE: "Mary Manson OB70, Mallaig"
IMAGE: "Group portrait of fishermen’s leaders, Mallaig, 1960s"
IMAGE: "Crew member onboard ringnetter"
IMAGE: "Brailing herring"
IMAGE: "Emptying the brail net"
IMAGE: "Brailing herring"
IMAGE: "Herring dried up between two ringnetters"
IMAGE: "Four men onboard Mystical Rose CN245, Campbeltown, c.1937"
IMAGE: "Two men mending a net"
IMAGE: "Michael Fairnie repairing a ringnet"
IMAGE: "Crew onboard Bengullion CN229, Campbeltown"